Light Language
is the language of the Divine...
Light language...
is received by the higher mind, the higher heart, and the cellular consciousness where divine information are encoded and understood in full knowing.
How is this possible?
Light language is a healing that works through vibrationally on the physical and subtle energetic body levels.
Light Language is only understood by the soul and the subconscious mind.
Therefore, light language bypasses the logic of the brain and speaks directly to your soul.
How do we work with light codes?:
Whether it is a visual light code activation or an audio light code activation, all that there needs to happen in order for the vibrational exchange and healing to take place is...
The first step to working on any divine light code is by
having gratitude.
Bowing down, surrendering with reverence and gratitude to the divinity of the light codes, helps one connect with the energy of the light codes on a deeper level.
Consciously giving energy to light codes awakens the memory in our DNA and uses the life force energy within us to lift us from blocks.
* Drink lots of water before and after meditation to help integrate these codes.
* Rest after meditation to facilitate the integration of these codes.
An important thing to remember about working with light codes...
is that light language facilitates the process of healing. Through conscious attention to the light codes (by simply looking or hearing), it awakens the memory in your DNA, helping you to lift your blocks and bring in understanding and realizations accordingly to where you are in your journey.
You receive the healing exactly where your body, mind, and soul needs it in that point in time.
As stated above,
"Light Language is only understood by the soul and the subconscious mind.
Therefore, light language bypasses the logic of the brain and speaks directly to your soul."